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Using the Hero app
20 articles
I forgot my password! What should I do?
How do I download the Hero mobile app?
Can I use Hero without the app?
How can I update my payment details?
How can I reactivate my account?
How are weekly and monthly adherence rates calculated?
Where can I see my adherence for a specific medication?
What kind of personalized insights are available in "Insights"?
How to edit pill count
How can I update my loved one's phone number?
How can I update my phone number?
How can I update my password?
How can I update my loved one's email?
How can I update my email?
How can I update my loved one's name?
How can I update my name?
Can you adjust dosages?
How can I maintain adherence while on vacation?
How can I help my loved one maintain adherence while on vacation?
How do I invite my loved one to download the Hero app?